Paalak Pakora (Onion spinach pakora)

It’s raining, and when it rains all we can think of is about a cup of tea and onion pakoras. It is a very easy to make snack and goes well as a side dish with meals.

When I get into the kitchen to cook, I have to think about my toddler who also wants to eat each and everything from the table spread. So I tend to be very cautious while adding chillies or anything spicy. But one thing I love doing is mixing some healthy green veggies, so that she can enjoy both tasty and healthy food.

So presenting my version of onion spinach pakora or paalak pakora which is very kid friendly.

You will need;

2 Onions thinly sliced

Handful or more of spinach leaves chopped

1/2 cup coriander leaves

1/2 cup mint leaves

1/2 cup gram flour (Besan)

2 tsp coriander powder

1 tsp cumin powder

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 green chilly chopped (optional)

Water for mixing dry ingredients

Salt as per taste

Oil for deep frying


1) Mix chopped spinach, chopped onion, gram flour, turmeric powder, cumin and coriander powder, coriander and mint leaves, salt in a bowl thoroughly. Add some water (approximately 1-2 tablespoons) but avoid adding excess water as the batter should be thick and sticky.

2. Heat oil in a deep bottomed pan. Make small fritters and drop them in hot oil and deep fry them until golden brown in medium flame.

3. Drain out excess oil and keep it in a tissue paper/kitchen towel in order to soak the excess oil.

4.Serve hot with Tomato ketchup or Green chutney.

And mint black tea( Pudine ki chai) makes a great combo with palak onion pakoras.

So if you like this easy peesy recipe of mine, why wait for anything else. Go grab all the ingredients and just try this healthy version of pakoras. Do let me know in comments if your kids also enjoyed having it.

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4 thoughts on “Paalak Pakora (Onion spinach pakora)

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